Deciphering When You Don't Have The Key
KYV JKLUVEKJ RIV XVKKZEX MVIP XFFU RK UVTIPGKZEX TRVJRI TZGYVIJ. JFDV FW KYVD YRMV VMVE JKRIKVU UVTZGYVIZEX BVPNFIU TZGYVIJ! BVPNFIU TZGYVIJ RIV R KNZJK FE TRVJRI TZGYVIJ REU SFKY RIV DFEFRCGYRSVKZT JLSJKZKLKZFE TZGYVIJ. NYFR! KIP JRPZEX KYRK KVE KZDVJ WRJK! ZW PFL'MV UVTZGYVIVU KYZJ DVJJRXV, NRP KF XF!Do you understand the text above? Using the Crack a Caesar Cipher tool on the website, as well as an understanding of letter frequencies, all of the students this week got practice deciphering long messages encrypted with the Caesar Cipher. Interested in trying to crack the message above? Just copy it, open up the Crack a Caesar Cipher tool (you may have to enable Flash) and paste the text into the 'CIPHERTEXT' window. Use the 'Letter Frequencies' button to help you to decide where to set the cipher wheel. Then in the 'plaintext' window enter the first 3 deciphered letters and press the 'Decrypt' button. If you get gobbledygook, then you didn't set the wheel to the correct key. Delete the plaintext and reset the wheel to a different spot (based on letter frequencies).
Wednesday afternoon code breakers. |
Kids on the Radio
We also listened to part of this interview. It was conducted and produced by elementary students at Brant Avenue Public School in Guelph, Ontario.Each week we've been talking about radio, and for the past two weeks we've listened to samples of radio created by kids. All this in preparation for creating our own radio show!
Thanks for stopping by to see what we've been up to.