Watercraft Building Challenge
The Summerland ASPIRE class were challenged to build a watercraft out of the following materials:
- duct tape
- paper cups
- 25 cm strip of plastic wrap
- 10 straws
- paper towels
- 15 steel washers (1" diameter)
The watercraft had to hold 15 steel washers and stay afloat for a minimum of 10 seconds. Before building their watercraft we discussed buoyancy and the different types of designs we see in various watercraft. Niamh and Benjamin quickly built a minimalist watercraft that did the job; sometimes the simplest designs work best! See the slideshow below for the other student designs (link).
Balloon Rockets
The Summerland AIM group built balloon rockets. They used balloons which they inflated and taped to straws. The straws were threaded onto monofilament (fishing line). They started out racing the balloons two at a time on two monofilament lines running horizontally and parallel to each other. The group discovered that using a shorter straw (half the original length) worked best and that the size of the balloon didn't matter as much as the air pressure in the balloon; a fully inflated small balloon went faster than a larger balloon that was only partially inflated. After the horizontal races we tied some monofilament line to a ceiling hook and tried launching the balloons vertically and on the diagonal. You can check out the results below (link).Improv Bingo and Funny Faces
The Penticton grade 1 - 3 group played the drama game Funny Faces. It is very similar to charades and requires students to act out scenarios while the rest of the class tries to guess what they are / what they are doing. The students did a wonderful job acting. I look forward to seeing how they do with more challenging drama games.The Penticton grade 5 group played a different drama game; Improv Bingo. A character, place, goal, obstacle and object are chosen at random and small groups of students create skits incorporating all of these. One of the challenges in this activity is working together with others to agree upon a skit. This group excels at collaborating and as a result they can quickly come up with and act out creative scenarios.
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