Sunday, 26 January 2020

Underwater Scene

Here's what we've been up to in the past couple of weeks!

Underwater Scene Update

The Wednesday afternoon group have finished making their models of underwater creatures.  They are now working on making short slide shows, using Google Slides, to highlight the key features of their creatures.

Check out their creatures in the video below.

The Wednesday morning group have finished the models for their underwater scene; we're just putting it all together and adding some finishing touches.  The Thursday afternoon group is making a diorama and it is coming along nicely!  See future posts for a look at both of these projects.

Deep Sea Fun

All of the classes checked out the interactive website The Deep Sea, where we explored to the very depths of the ocean!

Watersheds and the Water Cycle

The Wednesday morning group learned more about watersheds and the water cycle.  We also discussed water conservation.

These are just a few of the things we've been doing for the past couple of weeks.  Thanks for checking in! 

Sunday, 12 January 2020

Watercraft Design Challenge

And we're back!  Take a look at how we started 2020.

The Watercraft Design Challenge

Students were given the following challenge; build a boat with limited materials (see below) that is able to float for at least 10 seconds while carrying 8 heavy washers.  The boat is floated empty, and then the washers are added one at a time.

The materials they were allowed to use were:
  • two 8oz paper cups
  • 10 skinny straws
  • a 25cm long piece of Saran Wrap
  • duct tape
Before building their boats, we discussed the design process:
A key part of the process is it is iterative -- after you test your design you evaluate it and then tweak it, coming up with an improved design.

The students did an amazing job and the variety of boat designs was truly wonderful!  As they tested their designs they had to deal with making their boats more stable or more waterproof.  The best part of the challenge was that once each student or pair of students came up with a successful design, they were willing to do more: either make it capable of carrying more washers, or trying a different design or challenging themselves to make a boat with less materials.

Check out the slides below (link) to see the students in action:

This design challenge came from the PBS Kids Design Squad Activity Guide.

Thanks for checking in to see what we've been up to!