Friday, 7 December 2018

Presentations -- Part 2

Here are a few of the things that we did... This Week In Gifted!


Last week a few of the Wednesday morning students presented their Communication Mini-Research projects.  This week all of the other students presented theirs.  We learned about:
  • Morse Code
  • How bees, bats and seals communicate
  • The Rosetta Stone and hieroglyphics
  • Computer coding (with a focus on Java Script)
  • Communication Technology (with a focus on how text messages are sent and received)
  • The history of emojis
  • How the Enigma Machine works
  • Sign Language
  • Braille
  • How Radios work
  • The Commercial Code / Telegraph Code

A sampling of slides from a few different presentations

All of the presentations were created in PowerPoint (with the exception of one student who used Google Slides).  Many of the younger students had not used PowerPoint before, but they quickly became pros!  Students uploaded their PowerPoint presentations to the school district portal.  It is my first time using the portal this way and it worked well.  You child *should* be able to log on from home and show you their project.  If you try following the instructions below and they don't work -- don't panic!  It may be that students don't have access from home.  Just shoot me an e-mail if this is the case.
  • go to
  • click on 'Portal' in the top right of the menu
  • the student will be prompted to sign in with their usual school district username and password
  • once in the portal, click on the class, then select 'Assignments' from the top menu
  • click on the lone assignment listed there
  • now you have the option of previewing the slide show (none of the transitions will show up in preview though which will make your child unhappy--trust me) or downloading the presentation.  If you have PowerPoint on your computer then downloading is the best option because then all of the animations and transitions will work.
After each presentation, audience members asked questions of the presenters and gave appreciations for what they thought the presenters did well.  All of the classes did a good job with this, but the Wednesday afternoon class particularly impressed me with their thoughtful appreciations of each others' work.

Thom(p)son X 2

Last week Mrs. Thomson visited the Wednesday afternoon class and this week she dropped by the Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning groups.  Susan Thomson is the Director of Instruction for Student Services and the Gifted Program is part of her portfolio.  She was able to take in many of the student presentations this week.  Students also shared with her some of the other things we have been learning about including having her participate in the storytelling activity 'When Suddenly!'

Last Class

This week was the last week of classes for the Gifted Program in 2018.  Classes will resume the first week back in January.  We will dive into making radio!