When Suddenly...
This week the Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon classes participated in the storytelling game "When Suddenly..." As a group we build a story sentence by sentence. One person starts it off and ends their piece with the words "when suddenly..." and that's where the next person takes over. You really have to be on your toes, keeping track of what has already been said and then moving the story forward from there. We recorded the stories, and will be doing more of this in the future with an eye to doing some audio editing to really jazz up the stories.
Double Trouble
The Wednesday afternoon class had a guest in the classroom, Mrs. Thomson. Yes, that's right! It was Thompson and Thomson. Susan Thomson is the Director of Instruction for Student Services, and the Gifted Program falls under her purview. She dropped by to see what the students were up to. They showed her how to decrypt a Scytale message and then shared with her the work they were doing on their communication mini-research projects.
Baby Talk
We've been looking at the myriad of way that we communicate with one another and this week we watched a short video with two babies having a conversation. The students picked out the different ways the babies were interacting -- they were doing many of the things that we do, we just couldn't understand what they were saying. Some of us think that they had a big plan to break into the fridge... (link)
In the Wednesday morning class we started on the student presentations. We learned about how bees communicate, the history of emojis, the importance of the Rosetta Stone, and the Commercial / Telegraph Code. More presentations from all of the classes next week!
Thanks for checking in to see what we've been up to... This Week In Gifted!
I'll leave you with a photo from Social Time in the Wednesday afternoon class.