A Few (Very) Small Things
This week all of the classes got to use the microscopes! We learned about the parts of the microscopes by doing this online tutorial. Then we switched over to the real microscopes and the students got to work viewing a variety of things; torn paper, color photos (mind blowing under medium power!), typed numbers and letters, fabric, eyelashes, hair...Students also got the opportunity to check out a virtual compound microscope here and view blood cells, bone cells, cheek cells, and onion cells. There was also a virtual scanning electron microscope where students tried to identify specimens such as skeletal muscle, a housefly mouth, spider eyes etc.
For access to the step-by-step lessons that link to the online microscope links students can log on to our Moodle class and click on the 'Microscopes' link.
- Go here
- Students enter their school district username and password
- Click on the Microscope 'Book' icon and away you go!