Creating Avatars
This week all of the classes got to sign on to BitStrips For Schools. This site allows students to create comic strips. This week we started by creating our avatars. Though it was tempting for many students to sport mohawks, pink hair or monocles their job was to make their avatar look as much like themselves as possible. Here's our class pic (the blank characters are students who were away and haven't had a chance to log in yet.)
A pretty good looking group! After creating their avatars students experimented with making other characters; some were outlandish and some were pretty good representations of family members or friends. We will be using this site in the weeks to come to create stories related to our theme, Operation Identification.
Todd Manuel, SD 67 Director of Instruction for Student Services, dropped by the Penticton grade 5 class this week. He chatted with students, joined us for circle, and generally got a sense of what happens in class. The Gifted Program is one of the programs under the big umbrella of Student Services. We look forward to welcoming Mr. Manuel again later in the year.
Mystery Prints
This week it was the Penticton 4s and 5s turn to solve the water bottle mystery! One latent print from the scene of the crime and 28 suspect prints in our data bank. They made quick work of identifying the culprit! Some students then took their own prints and determined which prints in our suspect data base belonged to them. We also watched the following video (link) on comparing prints.
Classes Wrapping up for Winter Break
Classes will soon be winding down for the winter break. Here are the dates for the last classes--due to our staggered start, not all classes are ending on the same week.
December 2nd -- Last class for the Wednesday morning Penticton grade 5 group
December 3rd -- Last class for the Thursday afternoon Penticton grade 2/3 group
December 8th -- Last class for the Tuesday afternoon Summerland AIM/ASPIRE group
December 9th -- Last class for the Wednesday afternoon Penticton grade 4 group
Thanks for checking out what we've up to!