Friday, 16 October 2015

Start-Up Schedule

Early dismissal has wreaked a bit of havoc with the start-up schedule for Gifted classes.  Normally I do not adjust the schedule due to early dismissal since every elementary school has a different schedule and my students come from a variety of different schools.  For two of the classes though, all but one student had early dismissal on what was to be their first Gifted class.  For those two classes only (Tues pm and Weds pm) I have adjusted the schedule and notified the families. 
So, here is the updated schedule for class start-up:

Tuesday afternoon: AIM/ASPIRE first class October 27th.
Wednesday morning: Penticton grade 5s first class October 21st
Wednesday afternoon: Penticton grade 4s first class October 28th
Thursday afternoon: Penticton 1 - 3s first class October 22nd

 8:45 - 11:40am  Penticton 5s @ Wiltse Elementary  
12:30 - 2:30pm AIM/ASPIRE
@ Trout Creek Elementary
Penticton 4s @ Wiltse ElementaryPenticton   1 - 3s @ Wiltse Elementary
I keep the calendar with the class schedule on it updated, so if you are ever uncertain about when classes are you can check it out here.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Tuesday, 6 October 2015