GPS Scavenger Hunt
This week it was the Penticton grade 1 - 3 group and the Penticton 4s that got to do the GPS scavenger hunt. 'Landmarks' around the school were marked with waypoints on our GPS devices. Students had to determine what each of the six landmarks were, given a few helpful hints. The students did an excellent job!Creating Geocaches
The Summerland AIM and ASPIRE groups as well as the Penticton 5s started planning their geocaches and scoping out locations. Small teams of students will be creating geocaches which they will hide on the school ground for the other teams to find. We need toys to leave in the geocaches. Students have been asked to donate any small toys (e.g. the sort you might get in a loot bag) they might have at home to their geocaches. Please do not purchase new toys--the idea is to empty out our closets a bit!More Project Presentations
This week in the Penticton grade 4 class Ty presented his informative powerpoint presentation on Precious Stones and Jessica presented hers on Animals and Treasure. In the Penticton grade 5 class, students got to try out two different games using the SmartBoard; Harjas and Oscar's Treasure Jeopardy Game and Fynn's (aka Willis) Treasure Video Game Jeopardy Game. Their peers loved playing the games, which were well constructed and full of engaging questions.SmartBoard Jeopardy Game |
Grade 3 - 5 Field Trip:
- If grade 3 - 5 students have not turned in their field trip permission forms and money please do so as soon as possible.
- Thank you to the parents who have volunteered to join us on the trip as chaperones; much appreciated!
Week of May 4th - 7th
- Field trip for grade 3 - 5 students on May 5th
- Regular classes are cancelled (there will be no Monday or Thursday afternoon classes, nor will there be any Wednesday classes).
Last Week of Classes May 11th - 14th
- Open House in the Monday and Thursday afternoon grade 1 - 3 classes. Both a paper and digital invitation have been sent home.
- This week is the last week of Gifted Program classes for this school year.
Thanks for checking in and seeing what we've been up to this week!